3rd adoption event a bust and MrH is getting friendlier

On Sunday Barbara took Left, MrH and Bandita to the adoption event at Petco and after 4 or so hours while people looked and ultimately adopted two adult cats and two kittens our three did not fair well. MrH was curled up in a ball the whole time we suspect hoping to be ignored, Lefty was engaging but Bandita was just uncomfortable. She hissed and carried on so that Barbara had to take her out of the cage and put her in the carrier.

Is it that MrH and Bandita are still not domestic or are they very smart?

On another note MrH has been very friendly with Barbara to the point that she pets him and he responds just like we hoped he would. Barbara has made comments like “Look” and “it’s amazing” pointing to him as she pets him with wild abandon. He’s coming up to her on the couch and while she stands in the kitchen he nuzzles against her leg. What a change!

Cali was adopted

So the young woman who asked about Cali showed up at this, the 2nd adoption event since we’ve had this pack, and adopted her. She has another cat whom she adopted from a Rhode Island shelter but Barbara suspects this cat is going back due to being unfriendly. Friendly-ness is in the eye of the beholder but what are we going to do, she thinks the cat is unfriendly and that’s all there is to it.

That means Cali is going to be alone when the woman is gone. A home is a home but being home alone is not that same as having company.

Squeaky suckles again…and I interrupt it

Squeaky is exhibiting that suckling behavior again and its been best for me to just gently pull her away and kitche her, stroking her. Eventually I figured out that I should just put her next to Mr. H who’s been sleeping nicely on the loveseat. She stopped suckling right away – yeah!

…and Barbara is stroking Mr. H and he’s purring. Finally.

Males neutered yesterday, girls altered today

Yesterday Barbara took Lefty and MrH for neutering and I picked them up late in the afternoon. Not long after I got them home they started to rouse quickly within two hours they were pretty well up and about. At the vet’s, a technician told me that the regular vet was not in and another did the work. Perhaps this guy has a lighter hand with the anesthesia than the regular vet? I liked the quicker recovery time and hope they were well taken care of.

This morning Barbara was not feeding them since the girls are going in and as soon as she’s ready to go, she’ll feed the two males. This is the planning and carry through one must do with alterations day.

First adoption event was a bust; starting to train Mr H

Yesterday was the first adoption event we could bring any of the pack to and only three went (Bandita, Lefty and Squeaky) while the other two (Cali and Mr H) went along for the ride. Cali is spoken for so she’s off limits for the time being and Mr H just isn’t ready, he’s still a little hissy.

Barbara took them all and after the event told me that turn out was very low, some people looked and fussed by no real interest.

Today I was working a little with Mr H since that’s what he needs. The plan is very simple, warm up a small amount of baby food and feed it to him in small bits, getting him to eat closer and closer to me with each little spoon full. All I put in a glass dish was 1/2 a teaspoon and I use a baby spoon to feed it to him. Each time I feed him I move the spoon closer to me so that in the end he’s putting his paw up on me to each. The goal, maybe tomorrow, is to get him to come up on my lap and eat and hopefully stay for some petting.

Squeaky was adopted tonight

Barbara took all five of the pack to the adoption event at PetCo tonight and Squeaky was adopted by two young gentlemen. She gave her email address to them and I do hope that they email us about her.

The other four are romping around as if Squeaky was never here. I hope she fairs well, I liked her very much.