Three weeks ago Merrimack gave us four very cute tigers aged about 8 weeks old. Three are normal size for their age and one is runty at this point. Of course the runty one is very friendly and snuggles with Barbara easily. The others are comfortable being approach however the only one with a little red in its coat is just a tad standoffish.
What a change from the last litter. They were much more work and even now one, MrH, has not been adopted. Then again, he hasn’t been brought to adoption since his foster parent has deemed it in appropriate to take him in.
Snuggler, the runty one, and Page, the other female with the white nose have both had respiratory problems. We’ve given all four a multi-day course of liquid anti-biotic (?name?) and yesterday Snuggler received a shot of Penicillin. All four are on a multi-day course of (?name?).