Addie goes to a new home and Tildie is in the bathroom

I went to the PetCo adoption event today and the number of kittens is overwhelming sometimes. There were twenty kittens at least which means  competition is very high and confusion for the prospective adopters is too. Isn’t it better to reduce the number of choices making it easy and more direct for the prospective adopters?

Addie is an 8 week old or so tiger with a wonderful disposition normally however the recent introduction of another litter has her stressed some and she’s been an unhappy camper to say the least. People looking over the stock today passed her by easily for the litter of white kittens that Jeff brought. Today was white day I suppose. Late in the day a mom and her 10 year old daughter came by looking for the kid’s late birthday present – a new kitten. After much inspection they zeroed in on Jeff’s only tiger with a little white accents on the belly and paws. It didn’t react much and there was a resigned attitude by the mom so I asked a few qualifying questions. The upshot was that Addie came of the cage and into mom’s arms and Addie with full barrels of cuteness loaded gave mom the whole treatment. Addie purred instantly, snuggled and pawed ever so gently and looked up at mom with those beautiful eyes. Zing! Soon mom was checking with the kid “Is this the one you want?” and the kid replied soon after “yes mommy, this is the one I want”. Dad comes over and says “Do you want to look at the MSPA shelter kittens?” to which the kid replies, “No daddy, this is the one I want, pleeeeeeaaaaassssse”.

That was it, out came the pen and after several forms filled out and check to ARM (Animal Resuce Merrimack Valley) Addie went home with a threesome family of lengthy cat ownership. Dad met the mom originally having 5 cats of his own and mom met dad having 4 cats of her own years ago. Tim has whittled down the brood but their love of cats hasn’t diminished and now Addie is the latest addition.

Out of all the kittens today Addie was the only adoption. I am happy for Addie but sad for the others – they need home too.

As to Tildie, we’ve changed her living arrangement for now – she’s in the upstairs bathroom to cordon her off from the temporarily housed threesome that stressed Addie and Tildie out. This way Tildie has piece and can eat and live this week without the stress of the other litter which is a problem. It does mean that other than Barbara and me she is alone but we have to do the best we can for her and this is it for now.


Marcus has FIP

We keep touch with as many adopters as they will let us and last week Marcus‘ family told us that he has FIP. This is unfortunately a death sentence for him and we share the family’s grief. I know that I liked him and we were fortunate to have him in our charge and help him along. As time goes on slow and surely we learn of a small number of our fosters perish and we find it’s all worth it. It’s harder for them than it  is for us.